Friday, July 5, 2013

Government Workers Get Paid Working for Unions, Not Us

Ever hear of featherbedding? This is worse--

"With a backlog of almost 1 million unprocessed benefit claims at the Department of Veterans Affairs, it is shocking that over 250 of the Department's employees are on "official time," doing no work for veterans. It sounds unbelievable to most of us who have to show up at work to do a job, but "official time" is time that federal workers spend working for their unions, and not working for taxpayers." (source infra)

RealClearMarkets - While the Rest of Us Toil, Government Workers Get 'Official Time": ". . . VA employees on "official time" represent unions such as the American Federation of Government Employees, the National Federation of Federal Employees, the National Association of Government Employees, National Nurses United, and the Service Employees International Union. . . . a nurse in San Francisco, made $131,849 representing the NFFE. . . . (a government worker) representing the SEIU, was paid $120,544 not to work as a pharmacist at the VA hospital in Jackson, Mississippi. Contributions from these unions flow back into politics, the vast majority to Democratic causes. . . ." (read more at link above)

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